A full service lawn care, fertilization and landscaping company in Utah
01 Oct 2017

Benefits of Organic Lawn Care

A lawn says a lot about a homeowner, and lawn care is one of our specialties at Greenside. We offer lawn maintenance, fertilization and other services to keep your grass healthy and looking beautiful.

One area we’re asked about a lot is organic lawn care, something we’re proponents of. Treating your lawn organically shows an appreciation of the natural world, and also affects several other important factors. Here are some potential benefits of organic lawn care.

Grass Health

Beneficial nutrients found in organic products help nurture roots, and also balance soil pH and good microbes. Much of what you’ll need here comes down to soil – you can collect some for testing, and this will tell you what kind of nutrient levels you need to add to get your desired result. You can then determine what the right organic fertilizer is to purchase, and any other practices you should be taking.

Family Health

Your grass isn’t the only area that can benefit from health improvements – your family can as well. Organic lawn care doesn’t feature many of the chemicals involved in standard care, including herbicides, pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. These chemicals are often applied to grass, and this can pass on to people – especially children – from here. Instead of using harsh chemicals, natural products are healthier for both the lawn and those enjoying it.


Organic treatments are also far better for the natural environment. Reducing chemical usage means that over time, less chemicals will be present in streams and runoff. Soil will be cleaner, air will be sweeter and the environment will benefit. Chemicals should only be used as a last resort.

Maintenance Costs

Finally, cost benefits are the nail in the chemical coffin. An unhealthy lawn that’s dependent on chemicals can come with high costs for maintenance since soil and the ground level isn’t truly healthy. A lawn that’s cared for organically, however, will settle into a nice pattern where much less maintenance or cost is required.

For more on why organic lawn care might be right for you, or for any of our other landscaping services, speak to the pros at Greenside today.

01 Aug 2017

Lawn Care Tips Over the Summer

Lawn care is important throughout all the warmer periods of the year, and especially so during summer. At Greenside, our lawn experts are here to help with all areas of lawn maintenance during the hottest time of the year.

What are some home tips you can take to help in these efforts? Here are a few basic tips for each of the prominent parts of the summer, starting with early summer and ranging to late summer.

Early Summer

Here are a few areas to look at during the earliest parts of summer:

  • Feed: Feed lawns in the early summer to help them fight heat and drought conditions. Use a fertilizer that releases its nutrients over time, allowing the lawn to continuously benefit from this over a longer period.
  • Grubs: If you had a grub problem in previous years or know a neighbor has them, apply an anti-grub compound at the earliest possible time. Grubs will result in dead patches later in the summer that you won’t be able to combat.
  • Mow high: Taller grass blades leads to better root development, and also helps to shade soil and cool it, meaning you’ll conserve some water.
  • Let clippings lie: When you mow early in the season, leave clippings to help break down and feed your lawn.
  • Weeds: Spot-treat any weeds you see.


  • Deep watering: Check how water is penetrating soil, and look for it to reach a depth of between 4 and 6 inches.
  • Feed: Keep the lawn fed every six to eight weeks. If grass goes dormant during heat, however, wait until it regrows before feeding again.

Late Summer

  • Sharpen blades: A dull blade will tear your grass and create a rough, ragged edge that loses moisture more easily than a clean cut. Be sure to sharpen the blade at the end of each season.
  • Morning watering: Especially as heat builds up over summer, look to water between 6 and 10 AM for the best water retention.
  • Weeds: Continue to spot-spray weeds whenever they crop up.

For more tips on summer lawn care, or for any other landscaping considerations, speak to the pros at Greenside today.


01 May 2017

Noticing and Preventing Yard-Related Pests

Within the world of landscaping and yard care, there are a number of priorities to take. These can range from lawn care and weed control to fertilization concerns, and at Greenside, we’re here to help with any and all areas of need.

Another important consideration for the discerning gardener? Preventing pests in the yard, and particularly in trees. There are several pests that can damage and even ruin landscaping projects – luckily, though, there are also a few telltale signs. Here are a few of these signs.

Boring Insects

Boring insects are the types that tunnel inside trees and feed on their bark. These are often the most destructive pets for ornamental trees and shrubs. These bugs often make it impossible for the tree to transport water and nutrients.

You may notice exit holes in the trunk or branches of the tree, or sawdust-like debris or frass. You could also notice lots of leaves in the area. If you notice these issues repeatedly, or in multiple trees, you should call our Greenside professionals and set an appointment as soon as possible.

Chewing Insects

Chewing insects are often the simplest to notice, and create major damage to leaves or needles. For most trees, this sort of minor defoliation is not a problem – but more severe infestation, or a loss of leaf surface over several years, can reduce a plant’s ability to thrive and continue growing.

With chewing insects, you’re likely to notice nests in place, or even the insects themselves. You’ll see holes in leaves, and the skeletonization or complete removal of leaf tissue. An extreme rate of leaf loss may also take place in some cases.

Sucking Insects

There are several insects that survive purely by sucking sap and nutrients from plants or trees. These are often the toughest yard pests to detect – small and difficult to see. Nearly all woody ornamentals are at risk of infection by these insects, including mites, scales, aphids and others.

Signs here will include withered leaves, dieback on branches and tips, a sooty mold coating, sticky sap or honeydew, or the loss of needles. Premature leaf drop may also take place.

If you see any of these signs, or if you’re interested in any of our other landscaping services, contact the experts at Greenside today.

01 Apr 2017

Signs Your Lawn Needs Fertilization

For any homeowner invested in the care of their yard, lawn fertilization is an important consideration. Fertilization helps prevent the spread of insects on the lawn, and offers weed control to help your flowers and other plants retain enough room and nutrients to grow – among other factors.

At Greenside Landscaping, we’re here to assist with comprehensive fertilization services. Here are a few common signs or situations that typically signal a need for fertilization.

Nitrogen Deficiency

When lawns lack nitrogen, they can be susceptible to a weed invasion and a much lower number of grass clippings than usual after you mow the lawn. Some of the most common visible signs of a nitrogen deficiency include yellow or yellow-green grass, plus slow growth and low density of grass. A fertilizer higher in nitrogen will be the appropriate response here, and a common solution is grasscycling or applying poultry manure.

Fairy Rings

Fairy rings is the term for patches of grass you’ll begin to notice containing areas of light-colored or dead grass in the middle. At times, you’ll see mushrooms growing on the outer ring. This signals a problem with fungus on the lawn, particularly common with lawns grown in soil containing large quantities of organic matter. Aerating the soil manually is recommended here before applying a fertilizer high in nitrogen. You’re also advised to keep the areas in question moist for a few days.


Another fungal-related issue is rust on the grass, which will show up in a reddish-brown color along with normal yellow in many cases. In addition, if it’s untreated, rust can cause small bumps of a similar color on the older blades of grass, which will eventually die. A big chunk of rust prevention relates to basic maintenance on the lawn, plus a high-nitrogen fertilizer when the lawn is dry. Once this is done, irrigate regularly and try to mow a bit more often to prevent rust buildup.

Phosphorous Deficiency

A phosphorous deficiency will turn grass a dull, blue-green color in its early stages, and then in the later stages will turn the edges of the blades a purple hue. Eventually, the grass will look reddish. This signals a need for phosphorous-heavy fertilizer, including heat-dried or aged poultry and cow manure.

Want to learn more about fertilization, or any other element of our lawn care services? Speak to the experts at Greenside today.

01 Dec 2016

4 Tips for Winter Lawn Care

 It’s winter and the snow is falling, which means there’s no longer any need to worry about your yard for a few months, right?

Wrong. Winter may mean certain lawn care items are no longer necessary for a little while, but assuming you can simply leave your yard alone for four months straight is a big mistake. At Greenside, our lawn experts know just how vital maintaining a few big areas is during the winter months, and we’re here to assist you with all your needs. What are some things you can be doing leading up to and during the winter to help maintain your lawn and yard?


Not only is lawn fertilization recommended during the winter, but late fall and early winter months are the very best time of the year for fertilization for many types of grasses. A fertilization round near the very end of fall or in early winter gives your lawn added nutrients to help it get through the winter – once things get colder and freeze over completely, the fertilizer will remain in the soil and continue feeding your grass the entire winter.

Objects on the Ground

Objects left on the ground during winter can become inconvenient or cause injury to young children, but in some cases they can also create problems for the lawn itself. Any bulky items left on the grass that remain there through major snowfall can cause large dead spots due to the weight of the object, and this could take you weeks to correct during the spring once grass thaws.

Before winter begins, and then at least once every few weeks during winter (especially if you have children who play outside often or outdoor pets who do the same), be sure to do a sweep of your yard for any foreign objects.

Lawn Traffic

Down similar lines, reducing as much foot and other traffic on your lawn will help keep grass healthy. Grass can survive a lot, but consistent pressure may damage it for the upcoming spring. Keep sidewalks and driveways clear so you and any guests don’t need to walk across grass often, and never allow anyone to park or drive on your lawn.

Fall Preparation

There are a few late fall tips to keep in mind every year:

  • Fertilize before first freeze if possible
  • Rake away leaves and other dirt
  • Clear debris from yard
  • Cut grass shorter over final few months of fall – discourages mice and also protects new growth

To learn more about this or any of our landscaping services, contact our friendly customer service specialists at Greenside today.

01 Aug 2016

Get Your Backyard BBQ Ready

Outdoor parties are everyone’s favorite, and with Labor Day a few weeks away, you still have plenty of time to get the backyard in shape for a sizzling event nobody will forget. The team at Greenside Landscaping has compiled this list of services to help you throw the perfect outdoor BBQ complete with a light breeze, warm sunshine on your neck and food that really does taste better outside.

Give Your Lawn a Little TLC

Obviously the weather plays a huge factor in how your yard looks, but so do you. With just a little tender loving care, your yard can look as good as new. No matter what havoc the weather has caused. Here are a few ideas to help you get started on your outdoor BBQ party prep.

  • Pull Out the Lawnmower

The first step to a great yard is a good trim. Run the mower over the grass, pull out the rake and you might even need to re-sod a couple dead areas. You should also check for holes or other tripping hazards before you set the kids free to roam on the grass.

  • Don’t Forget to Prune

Even if your grass is in great shape, all it takes is a few unruly sprigs on an overgrown bush to make the whole yard feel unkempt. If you regularly maintain your bushes, it should only take a couple minutes. If you let it go too long, expect to break a sweat before all those stragglers are gone.

  • Prep the Pit

Make sure your fire pit is in pristine condition by stocking wood (if it’s wood burning, of course), or wiping down any dirt or debris. Set up clean chairs and ensure everything is safe and secure.

If you need any help prepping your home for an outdoor BBQ party contact the team at Greenside Landscaping. Call the experts today at (801) 501-9666 for a  services consultation your yard will never forget.


01 Jul 2016

3 Reasons to Have Your Lawn Fertilized Regularly

Are you one of the many homeowners who wonder if regularly hiring fertilization services for your lawn is worth the cost? While properly caring for your lawn can take a small amount out of your home improvement budget each year, it is well worth the small price. Here are three benefits you will enjoy if you have your lawn fertilized regularly.

Keep Weeds at Bay

 Weeds can quickly turn an otherwise beautiful lawn into a tangled nightmare if they are allowed to get a foothold. Weeds look for opportunities to establish themselves in any area that gives them space to grow, including sparsely-growing grass. Hiring professional fertilization services on a regular basis can help thicken your grass and make it harder for weeds to find space to “move in” and make themselves comfortable.

Improve the Appearance of Your Yard 

One of the most enjoyable benefits of regularly fertilizing your yard is how quickly it can improve the appearance of your property. Everyone loves the look of lush, green grass, and now you can achieve this coveted look by simply giving your grass the nutrients it needs to look its best. Not only will a great-looking lawn make spending time outside more enjoyable, but it will also increase your home’s resell value.

Reduce Puddles and Mud Spots

Sparse grass tends to become muddier than thick grass in inclement weather. It is also more likely to form unwanted puddles and cause your property to look shabby and messy overall. You can reduce unpleasant puddles and mud spots by regularly fertilizing your grass. 

In addition to these benefits, having your lawn fertilized by professionals can ensure that the proper amount of fertilizer is used. Additionally, professionals who provide lawn fertilizing services know what type of fertilizer is ideal for your area. The end result is a beautiful, lush lawn that can be difficult for the average homeowner to achieve on their own.