For any homeowner invested in the care of their yard, lawn fertilization is an important consideration. Fertilization helps prevent the spread of insects on the lawn, and offers weed control to help your flowers and other plants retain enough room and nutrients to grow – among other factors.

At Greenside Landscaping, we’re here to assist with comprehensive fertilization services. Here are a few common signs or situations that typically signal a need for fertilization.

Nitrogen Deficiency

When lawns lack nitrogen, they can be susceptible to a weed invasion and a much lower number of grass clippings than usual after you mow the lawn. Some of the most common visible signs of a nitrogen deficiency include yellow or yellow-green grass, plus slow growth and low density of grass. A fertilizer higher in nitrogen will be the appropriate response here, and a common solution is grasscycling or applying poultry manure.

Fairy Rings

Fairy rings is the term for patches of grass you’ll begin to notice containing areas of light-colored or dead grass in the middle. At times, you’ll see mushrooms growing on the outer ring. This signals a problem with fungus on the lawn, particularly common with lawns grown in soil containing large quantities of organic matter. Aerating the soil manually is recommended here before applying a fertilizer high in nitrogen. You’re also advised to keep the areas in question moist for a few days.


Another fungal-related issue is rust on the grass, which will show up in a reddish-brown color along with normal yellow in many cases. In addition, if it’s untreated, rust can cause small bumps of a similar color on the older blades of grass, which will eventually die. A big chunk of rust prevention relates to basic maintenance on the lawn, plus a high-nitrogen fertilizer when the lawn is dry. Once this is done, irrigate regularly and try to mow a bit more often to prevent rust buildup.

Phosphorous Deficiency

A phosphorous deficiency will turn grass a dull, blue-green color in its early stages, and then in the later stages will turn the edges of the blades a purple hue. Eventually, the grass will look reddish. This signals a need for phosphorous-heavy fertilizer, including heat-dried or aged poultry and cow manure.

Want to learn more about fertilization, or any other element of our lawn care services? Speak to the experts at Greenside today.