A full service lawn care, fertilization and landscaping company in Utah
07 Sep 2018
Flower deadheading

Basics on Late Summer Deadheading

Summers in Utah are long, particularly the last several summers, and this means areas of your landscaping and lawn care will run in stages. Different parts of the summer bring different priorities, and as we enter the final stages of the major plant season headed into fall, there’s a whole new set of areas to look at.

At Greenside, we’re here to help. Our landscaping services include everything from lawn cleanup to weed control, plus the kind of seasonal and in-season variations that you need to keep your landscaping looking beautiful year-round. One late summer area we can be of help with? A process called deadheading, which works to freshen up areas of the garden and prepare the plants for the winter. Let’s go over all the basics of deadheading.

What is Deadheading?

Deadheading refers to the process of removing all the spent flower blossoms and even stems that have run their course already over the summer. This limits seed production from flowers that are done producing, allowing new blooms to grow on plants that can indeed bring new flowers in. It lets those spent flowers begin storing more energy in their roots, rather than producing and ripening more seeds right away.

“Training” Plants

Deadheading is good for your garden in multiple ways, in particular for how it prioritizes certain plant’s growth cycles within your desired garden scheme. In essence, you’re “training” these plants to perform in a manner that lines up with your plans for the garden, plus stays in lockstep with the visual plan you had for the entire landscape. And not only that, but it makes the garden look fresher and cleaner within just a couple hours.

Too Many Pollinators?

If you have a lively garden and you don’t spend time deadheading during the late summer, you could run into issues where you have a few too many pollinators on your hands. If all your plants continue producing fruits, seeds and nuts at high rates even when they aren’t needed, you’ll see lots of bugs and holes in leaves as a result.

Various wildlife will feed on these plant outputs, increasing the damage you have to deal with in your garden. Some gardeners are fine with this, but those who prioritize a clean aesthetic will want to limit it well in advance by deadheading.

A Balance

There’s no set goal here – you can deadhead as much or as little as you want, and this can even change between summers. Not every season is the same as the last. Some landscapers try a few different deadheading formats in consecutive years to see which best suits their garden, while others have a different design plan every year that dictates different deadheading requirements.

For more on deadheading, or to learn about any of our landscaping services, speak to the pros at Greenside today.

16 Mar 2018

Landscaping Planning Tips to Save Money

As one of the top landscaping companies in the nation, we at Greenside attribute much of our success to advanced planning. Our landscaping experts are always thinking several steps ahead to help you get the beautiful, cost-effective yard and landscaping elements you desire.

This is a vital quality in this industry – poor planning is the downfall of many a landscaping project. Let’s look at a few basic planning tips that can save you time and money throughout the year.

Planning for Spring in Fall

While the commercial home and garden industry has many convinced that spring is the only time for major planning or projects, this is simply not true. Fall is a perfect time to plan for spring – we call this pre-spring cleanup, in fact. You can prune dead growth, manage your gardens and clean things up ahead of snowfall to leave a far easier job come springtime. This will make mulching and weed prevention far easier down the line.

“Edits” in Late Spring

One primary way many homeowners spend too much on their landscaping? By assessing the landscape too early in the spring. While spring is indeed a great time to be taking stock of what needs to be upgraded or replaced, the very early spring months are often too early when it comes to plants that are still just perking back up after winter.

Mud might still be in season, and the landscape might not have its full life yet. Be patient, waiting until the full thaw is in and you have a better picture of what’s happening.

Targeting Planting Projects

If you’re looking to adjust your plantings, fall is the season to do it in. This helps prevent plant losses during more stressful summer months, and fall is also when roots are at their most active when it comes to growth. Begin planning these projects late in the summer so you have time to put them in motion.

Approaching Hardscape Projects

Hardscape projects can be expensive, so plan them with care and detail. Remember that hardscape projects are permanent – these are one-time efforts, and you want the best materials possible. Choose where you build your features with care, and don’t rush any placement issues, as you can’t change these much down the line.

For more on planning your landscaping, or to find out about lawn care or any of our other services, speak to the pros at Greenside today.

03 Feb 2018

Where a Landscaper Brings Value

At Greenside, we’re proud to provide you the highest quality landscaping and lawn maintenance services. From basics like lawn fertilization up to detailed planning for a full-on landscaping renovation, our experts are here to help your outdoor areas stand out.

Why should you hire a local landscaper for all your big project needs? Here are several specific services that a professional landscaper can help provide.

Analyzing Your Site

For starters, we offer comprehensive consultation services where we can break down your space and help you understand what’s possible with it. Our experts have the talent to read the details of your space and figure out how they can bring out the best areas of focus.

Design and Idea Generation

From here, it’s all about generating ideas – and professional landscapers like ours have tons of those. We’re trained to view spaces within the scope of our industry, and our experts will help you come up with everything from a conceptual design to a final blueprint. We provide solutions that answer your true needs and wants within a landscaping area, all while addressing the characteristics of the ecosystem properly.

Construction and Budget Planning

We can all have ideas about a design, but actually making the idea into a buildable plan is part of what a landscaper is here for. The professional landscaper is the link between what your mind can imagine and what can be practically put into play.

In addition, it can be easy to let our imaginations run wild and exceed our budget when it comes to big landscaping projects. Understanding the costs that go into this process is another bit of expertise that our pros bring to you – we can get you exactly the design you’re looking for without running up your costs.

Contractor Liaison

A landscaper also has great relationships with contractors, and these relationships can be vital during the construction phase of the project. Without them, you could be all turned around trying to line up the details of your construction.

For more on what a landscaper brings to the table, or to learn about any of our landscaping services, speak to the pros at Greenside today.

01 Nov 2016

3 Things to Look for in a Snow Removal Company

Now that the snowflakes have started to fall, it’s time to think about how you will be able to clear that snow away. Whether you’re a business owner, a property owner, or simply a homeowner who doesn’t have a way to clear your own snow, a snow removal company in Utah can help. But you can’t hire just any company—the key is to know how to find the best company for your needs.


It’s impossible to predict at the beginning of the season just how many days it will snow, or how much, during any given winter in Utah. For that reason you need to know that whenever it snows your snow removal company will be there to help. That means being there in the middle of the night, the early hours of the morning, or during rush hour commutes. A reliable snow removal company will be there no matter what.


The next thing to consider is whether the snow removal company you are considering has all the necessary equipment to do the job. Clearing snow from your driveway requires something different than clearing snow out of your neighborhood or your company’s parking lot, but all will require vehicles that can handle driving in slippery, snowy conditions. In addition to clearing the snow, the company you hire will need to have equipment to spread salt or other ice melt.


Having the wrong equipment can make a difference for snow removal, but so can having the wrong people. Clearing snow is about more than just driving a plow; it’s understanding the most effective ways to move snow from driveways and parking lots to places where people can safely navigate walking and driving.


Even with the most skilled employees, snow and ice can be unpredictable. That means you want to hire someone for your snow removal who carries proper insurance to protect your property in the event something does go wrong. Some companies may even have insurance, but if you don’t check the fine print you might find out the hard way that you are liable if someone slips and falls or crashes in your parking lot as the result of the snow and ice left behind. Having a minimum amount of insurance and coverage that protects you as a company will help.


The final consideration in evaluating your snow removal contractor is the cost. Make sure you choose a company that provides great service with a price tag that keeps you on budget. However, in many cases—and snow removal is no exception—you will get what you pay for, so don’t just go for “cheap” service; in that case you’ll probably get “cheap” work done.

Rather than dreading the snow, hire a snow removal company with the best equipment, that is reliable, that has trained employees, and is affordable, and you can get through the snowy season without worrying.

15 Sep 2016

The Benefits of Snow Removal

With winter right around the corner it is probably time to start thinking about snow removal. One of the smartest things you can do as a home or business owner is to utilize professional snow removal services.

Keep up Curb Appeal

Clearing away snow piles from driveways and front entrances will help families maintain a friendly and nice-looking environment.

Prevent Accidents

Seasoned snow removal companies have the expertise needed to get rid of slippery patches of ice and snow from busy walkways. This will help your home and business as accidents do occur every year due to slips and falls during the winter weather. It will also give you greater peace of mind knowing you do not have to worry about guests or employees having an accident due to snow or ice.

Specialized Equipment

Professional snow removal companies will have expensive equipment that is designed to speed up the removal process. Homeowners and businesses don’t’ typically invest in that type of machinery, so without snow removal services you may find yourself at a disadvantage when snowfall hits.


If you assign someone in the household or the office to be in charge of cleaning the snow from paths and walkways that won’t always work well. A lot of times they will get called away in the middle of the task and may not get completed. By hiring professional snow removal services you will know that the job will get done completely without interruption.

Prevent Lost Income

This might be one of the most significant reasons to hire professionals to do your snow removal. Snow is a huge obstacle for drivers and if it does not get cleared it can cause absence or tardiness to work. When the temperatures drop and there is snow one must allow more time in their morning routine to warm the car and clear the snow. Having to spend large amounts of time shoveling out the driveway may take away from an employee’s productivity. You can avoid this problem by entrusting the professionals to remove your snow.

During the harsh winter months snow removal will prove to be a very valuable service.

02 Apr 2016

4 Ways to Have the Best Lawn in the Neighborhood This Year

Does the sight of your neighbor’s beautiful, perfectly manicured lawn sometimes make you turn a little “green” with envy? It’s no secret that many people compare their own lawn to that of their neighbors—there’s even a saying about grass always being greener on the other side of the fence—but what if you had all the secrets to make your lawn the one that everyone in the neighborhood wishes they could have? Here are a few lawn tips that will make you the envy of the neighborhood.

Aerate in the Fall

The best lawns are the ones that can get plenty of water and nutrients down to the roots of the grass, and the best way to do this is to aerate the lawn. If you are planning aeration, make sure you have clearly marked the heads of your sprinklers to avoid running over them with the aerator. You may also be able to hire someone to do this for you in the fall.

Don’t Cut Too Soon

People who frequently cut their lawn and keep the blades excessively short (under 2-3 inches) will often start to notice patches of white coloring or more weeds in the lawn. That’s because cutting it causes the roots to die, making room for weeds and allowing grass blades to burn and get the white coloring. It’s important to keep your lawn well-manicured, but there’s no need to cut it every day.

Water at the Right Time

Watering your lawn in the middle of the day, especially if you live in a hot climate, is generally a big waste of water. That’s because much of the water you put on the lawn will evaporate into the atmosphere, leaving you with a hefty water bill and a brown lawn as the result. The best times to water are either in the early morning before the sun comes up or the late evening, right before or right after the sun goes down.

Use a Quality Lawnmower

If you do your own lawn mowing, make sure your blades are sharp. As blades dull you will notice blades of grass turning white the day after you mow. Even a lawn that is well taken care of will start to look dry and worn out with a dull lawnmower.

Rather than having to worry about sharpening your lawnmower blades or knowing exactly what height your grass should be, you can just hire a landscape company like Greenside Landscaping that will provide you with the right tools and expertise to get a sharp and beautiful lawn each year.