As one of the top landscaping companies in the nation, we at Greenside attribute much of our success to advanced planning. Our landscaping experts are always thinking several steps ahead to help you get the beautiful, cost-effective yard and landscaping elements you desire.

This is a vital quality in this industry – poor planning is the downfall of many a landscaping project. Let’s look at a few basic planning tips that can save you time and money throughout the year.

Planning for Spring in Fall

While the commercial home and garden industry has many convinced that spring is the only time for major planning or projects, this is simply not true. Fall is a perfect time to plan for spring – we call this pre-spring cleanup, in fact. You can prune dead growth, manage your gardens and clean things up ahead of snowfall to leave a far easier job come springtime. This will make mulching and weed prevention far easier down the line.

“Edits” in Late Spring

One primary way many homeowners spend too much on their landscaping? By assessing the landscape too early in the spring. While spring is indeed a great time to be taking stock of what needs to be upgraded or replaced, the very early spring months are often too early when it comes to plants that are still just perking back up after winter.

Mud might still be in season, and the landscape might not have its full life yet. Be patient, waiting until the full thaw is in and you have a better picture of what’s happening.

Targeting Planting Projects

If you’re looking to adjust your plantings, fall is the season to do it in. This helps prevent plant losses during more stressful summer months, and fall is also when roots are at their most active when it comes to growth. Begin planning these projects late in the summer so you have time to put them in motion.

Approaching Hardscape Projects

Hardscape projects can be expensive, so plan them with care and detail. Remember that hardscape projects are permanent – these are one-time efforts, and you want the best materials possible. Choose where you build your features with care, and don’t rush any placement issues, as you can’t change these much down the line.

For more on planning your landscaping, or to find out about lawn care or any of our other services, speak to the pros at Greenside today.