With the right basic steps and maintenance, you as a homeowner can achieve a wonderful outdoor landscape that stands the test of time. A little bit of diligence can keep you from any major renovations that often result from a lack of simple attention to important areas.

At Greenside, we’re here to help. The important thing when it comes to avoiding major renovations is a few yearly assessments of your landscape – these can be done either on your own or with the help of our landscaping and lawn care professionals. Let’s look at the rough times when these should be done, plus the sorts of things you should be looking for during each inspection period.

Early Spring

You should likely have already completed this assessment for 2018 – it’s vital to take stock of everything during the beginning of the planting season, before plants have begun to actively grow. This is a perfect time to look at things like bed lines, lawn lines and other hardscape features you may have; there isn’t a ton of foliage to block your view, and seeing the entire structure is easy.

For this reason, many homeowners choose to accomplish big structural work that would be tougher later in the summer – both due to foliage and hotter temperatures. Throughout this early assessment (and all the others as well), be sure to take diligent notes you can refer back to later in the year.


By July or August, everything in the landscape should be fully up and running. You should be able to clearly see any crowded or gap-filled areas by now, as plants have grown in properly. This is a period where you’ll begin to schedule late sum or fall work, areas like dividing, pruning, transplanting and any late-season plant adds.


The later part of the season, around October or even early November, is when plants are winding down and preparing for the winter. You can see what went well and what went wrong for the year, plus consider corrections for the winter period like tree removals or pruning in various areas. You can even lay out a few basic plans for the spring while everything is fresh in your mind.

For more on the seasonal assessments you should be looking at for your landscape, or to learn about any of our services, speak to the pros at Greenside today.