From a planning perspective, the springtime is perhaps the most important part of the year for any home landscaping areas. The earliest part of the spring is for basic cleaning and similar areas, but a few weeks in – that is, right around the period we’re in right now – is often the very best time for a few big planning areas.
At Greenside, we can help with all this planning. A few weeks of warmer weather and basic rainfall can give you a better idea of the kinds of plants that are doing well versus those that aren’t, plus can make formulating a full plan much simpler. Let’s look at three important tips for making this vital spring-to-summer transition.
Planning is Fluid
Whether your landscaping is large or small, planning isn’t something that simply happens and then is finished. Every garden behaves differently, even the same garden from year to year, and your planning should follow the basic life cycle of your garden.
This means finding and scheduling solutions for the right areas at the right times. Not all of this can be accomplished in advance, part of why so many people enjoy the relationship that eventually builds between their garden and attending to its ever-changing needs.
Don’t Over-Tweak
At the same time, don’t over-think things and spend too much time stressing about every little detail. At a certain point, you have to stop trying to perfect everything and just get down to the work – otherwise you might be second-guessing yourself into oblivion.
Always Transitioning
Down similar lines, while understanding that your garden is always in a state of transition, allow it the time to undergo these changes. Once you’ve completed a project or installed a new plant, be patient and give it the time to grow and succeed. Don’t panic or alter the plan suddenly at the first sign of trouble, particularly during the installation period, during which many plants react differently than you might expect.
For more on making the jump from spring to summer, or to learn about any of our landscaping, lawn care or fertilization services, speak to the pros at Greenside today.