A full service lawn care, fertilization and landscaping company in Utah
01 Aug 2017

Lawn Care Tips Over the Summer

Lawn care is important throughout all the warmer periods of the year, and especially so during summer. At Greenside, our lawn experts are here to help with all areas of lawn maintenance during the hottest time of the year.

What are some home tips you can take to help in these efforts? Here are a few basic tips for each of the prominent parts of the summer, starting with early summer and ranging to late summer.

Early Summer

Here are a few areas to look at during the earliest parts of summer:

  • Feed: Feed lawns in the early summer to help them fight heat and drought conditions. Use a fertilizer that releases its nutrients over time, allowing the lawn to continuously benefit from this over a longer period.
  • Grubs: If you had a grub problem in previous years or know a neighbor has them, apply an anti-grub compound at the earliest possible time. Grubs will result in dead patches later in the summer that you won’t be able to combat.
  • Mow high: Taller grass blades leads to better root development, and also helps to shade soil and cool it, meaning you’ll conserve some water.
  • Let clippings lie: When you mow early in the season, leave clippings to help break down and feed your lawn.
  • Weeds: Spot-treat any weeds you see.


  • Deep watering: Check how water is penetrating soil, and look for it to reach a depth of between 4 and 6 inches.
  • Feed: Keep the lawn fed every six to eight weeks. If grass goes dormant during heat, however, wait until it regrows before feeding again.

Late Summer

  • Sharpen blades: A dull blade will tear your grass and create a rough, ragged edge that loses moisture more easily than a clean cut. Be sure to sharpen the blade at the end of each season.
  • Morning watering: Especially as heat builds up over summer, look to water between 6 and 10 AM for the best water retention.
  • Weeds: Continue to spot-spray weeds whenever they crop up.

For more tips on summer lawn care, or for any other landscaping considerations, speak to the pros at Greenside today.


01 Jul 2016

3 Reasons to Have Your Lawn Fertilized Regularly

Are you one of the many homeowners who wonder if regularly hiring fertilization services for your lawn is worth the cost? While properly caring for your lawn can take a small amount out of your home improvement budget each year, it is well worth the small price. Here are three benefits you will enjoy if you have your lawn fertilized regularly.

Keep Weeds at Bay

 Weeds can quickly turn an otherwise beautiful lawn into a tangled nightmare if they are allowed to get a foothold. Weeds look for opportunities to establish themselves in any area that gives them space to grow, including sparsely-growing grass. Hiring professional fertilization services on a regular basis can help thicken your grass and make it harder for weeds to find space to “move in” and make themselves comfortable.

Improve the Appearance of Your Yard 

One of the most enjoyable benefits of regularly fertilizing your yard is how quickly it can improve the appearance of your property. Everyone loves the look of lush, green grass, and now you can achieve this coveted look by simply giving your grass the nutrients it needs to look its best. Not only will a great-looking lawn make spending time outside more enjoyable, but it will also increase your home’s resell value.

Reduce Puddles and Mud Spots

Sparse grass tends to become muddier than thick grass in inclement weather. It is also more likely to form unwanted puddles and cause your property to look shabby and messy overall. You can reduce unpleasant puddles and mud spots by regularly fertilizing your grass. 

In addition to these benefits, having your lawn fertilized by professionals can ensure that the proper amount of fertilizer is used. Additionally, professionals who provide lawn fertilizing services know what type of fertilizer is ideal for your area. The end result is a beautiful, lush lawn that can be difficult for the average homeowner to achieve on their own.