The summer is giving way to fall, and this means it’s time to handle a few things around the home. One such task is making sure all your landscaping needs are covered before the cold winter hits, and at Greenside, we’re here to help.

Our lawn experts and other professionals will help get your prepped for all the areas you need to maintain at this time of year. Let’s look at several important steps within lawn care and landscaping to take during the fall.


Mulching in fall is much better for plants than it is during the spring, as it helps protect roots from frost and will retain moisture if winter happens to be cold and dry. The procedure here is simple enough: Spread two or three inches of fresh mulch around shrubs and trees – look to buy mulch from home and garden centers rather than from municipal piles, which can contain disease sports. These diseases can spread to your plants and infect your entire garden in some cases.


Fall is generally not a good time for pruning – this process encourages growth in healthy plants, and this really isn’t the right time of year for that. However, don’t put your shears away – fall is great for neatening landscaping and removing certain unwanted guests before the winter. Some suggestions:

  • Remove any dead annuals.
  • Deadhead spent blooms, and cut back dead and desiccated ornamental grasses and perennials.
  • Lightly prune dead and dying branches from shrubs and trees.
  • Cut back tea roses to about a third of their height after the first frost.


The perils of winter can dry and split your more delicate shrubs. Here are some suggestions for protecting landscaping from the winter elements:

  • Hide small plants under plastic pots or buckets.
  • Wrap shrubs tightly in burlap.
  • Surround any vulnerable trees with shredded leaves for protection.

Fall Specials

The period from early fall until the first frost is great for planting trees – cooler weather and autumn rains combine to put less strain on younger plants. Additionally, many plant nurseries are under pressure to empty their shelves before winter, and may have great specials going during this period. Consider these advantages if you’re looking to do some new planting.

For more on fall landscaping tips, or to find out about any of our other services, speak to the pros at Greenside today.