There may still be a snowstorm or two left in winter’s last gasp, but as the ground begins to thaw and the air gets warmer, spring is nearly here. That means more sun and warmth, but it also means folks in the landscaping game are gearing up for a more involved part of the year.

At Greenside, we’re here to help you with everything from lawn maintenance to sprinkler repair. We’re also here to offer our expertise – here are a few basic tips to observe as winter rolls into spring and the ground begins thawing.


First off, you need to clean the lawn and any gardening or bed areas. If any branches or debris has fallen, pick it up and confirm it didn’t do any lasting damage. Clean leaves off areas that will need soil or mulch (more on these in a moment), and if you’re getting right to work in any specific areas, clean that area as well.

Begin Planting

For those looking to use the springtime to plant new grass or install new sod, there’s no need to apply any pre-emergent at this time of year – simply a balanced organic-based fertilizer. In the fall, you’d need to use a pre-emergent.

For plants or new vegetables, the first big checklist item is making sure the soil is in the proper condition after thawing. Use a soil test if you’re unsure. If you can add organic matter or compost to the soil at the time of planting, this will help improve soil structure and promote deeper roots – meaning less insects and stress from heat, and possibly a lower water bill.

Mower Considerations

If you winterized your mower over the cold season, you’ll need to sharpen the mower blades early in the spring – dull blades can lead to tearing of the grass, and a resulting brown color and fungus development. Make sure you remove the spark plug before you take the blades off.

In the early spring, you also want to mow your grass high. Cool-season grass needs a bit more space to grow than warm-season grass. This sort of lawn care can make the difference a few months down the road in the hot months.

Mulch Layer

You’ll want to apply a mulch layer of about four inches over all your beds to help prevent weeds. If any weeds still pop up, apply a glyphosate product to help remove them.

Want to learn more about spring duties, or any of our other landscaping products or services? The experts at Greenside are standing by.